cave paintings - lorries
how to stop and get under
one axle each man
(film about Patra)
red squirrel ranger
harry and his swaledales
i can do happy
escape human light
lie back now and gaze on stars
be healed and worship
never moan. far worse
and better other lives can be.
come through, make better
12 Years A Slave
politics' problems:
money twists, folk are selfish:
so hearts, minds, and souls
have got it again
snake uh flake uh ache shake break
can breathe in breathe out
lakes - district and great
friends loves quakers natives scots
what more can you want?!
Voyageurs by Margaret Elphinstone
new old mental health
mindful plough hoe reap thatch store
eat drink friends stars hope
journey into wilds
beautiful tale better than
severe eldering